Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lilly is scooting!

Lilly just started scooting, but she can only go backwards! It's so funny!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lilly's new milestones

Last week Lilly laughed for the first time! She was in her bouncy seat and we were all playing with her. It was the cutest little laugh. She is also sitting up! Yay Lilly!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The monthly check

Lilly's dad and I have kind of an unspoken financial agreement. Or so I thought. For the past 5 months of her life I have not asked him for one single dime. In return, he has sent me a check for $300 at some point during the month. Usually he slips it in somewhere among the gifts he brings. On Thanksgiving we each got Thanksgiving cards - hers containing the check. That was the month that came and went without his usual 2 hour visit. Also, that was the month right after his sister gave birth to her first child. She has been the arbiter of these monthly visits. She emails and tells me she would like to come and then he shows up with her, almost like a child.

Anyway, I digress. January came and went. No check. I get all burned up about it. What exactly does he think I am raising this child with? Play money?


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Taking care of a 5 1/2 month old while sick?

I'm sick. Not that it matters. Moms don't get to play the sick card. There is no calling out of work. No hooky. No free days. Period. It's ok. Will I still hear Lilly wake up during the night if I take Nyquil? It scares me to think that I wouldn't be able to get up if she needed me.

In college I would skip class if it was raining. Or sunny. Depending. I didn't really need a reason. I did whatever I wanted to do because I COULD.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lilly did it!

It took me five long months but my daughter has finally realized her full-on potential for modeling. We went to Portrait Innovations on Sunday for her 5-month pics and the photographer actually got a few good shots of her smiling. The one I ended up buying was seriously priceless! And I got a huge package of pictures for $10.62. Sweet!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Mommy Must Haves!

Ok- so there are certain things that I cannot live without since the birth of my 5- month-old daughter (where did those 5 months go!). Since several of my friends are about to have their own tiny bambinos I decided to make this list. Hopefully - it will make someone's life a little less stressful, because stress while youre preggers may be a given, but its still no fun.

Heres my current obsessions:

1. Baby powder w/ cornstarch - my daughter has not had one touch of diaper rash - i attribute it to this product. I havent even used diaper cream!

2. Gus & Max super-soft crib sheet- exactly like her favorite blanket and the only way I could get her to sleep in her crib all night.

3. Graco Snugrider Stroller Frame - this lightweight collapsible stroller takes up less space in the trunk, is lightweight, and lets her stay asleep when I just snap her car seat into it.

4. Munchkin disposable pads - Throw a couple of this in your diaper bag - they can be used as changing pads or burp cloths. I leave one on my changing table at all times to help keep messes and laundry to a minimum. (Come on - I have enough to do already!)

5. Enfamil AR formula - it already has the rice mixed in but I can still use regular bottles! I'm all about anything that makes my life easier. BONUS - this formula keeps her from spitting up as much as she was before.

6. Fisher Price cradle swing - the back and forth motion of this swing combined with the mobile and soothing lullabies is still a favorite of my little girl. Sometimes I think this swing is the only way I ever get anything done.

7. Bebe Au Lait Nursing cover - A lifesaver for nursing mothers. Anyone who has ever had to leave the room when there baby got hungry will understand. After I got mine I nursed at restaurants, work (Yes I get to take her!), the mall, you name it - and people were none the wiser!

8. The Miracle Sleep Blanket - this swaddle blanket was the only thing that contained my teeny tiny squirmer. Thanks to you Miracle Sleep Blanket - we'll all get a little sleep.

Please feel free to leave comments with the products that you cant live without!